Model United Nation Curtin Sarawak 2014 Semester 1 - Day 04

Monday 26 May 2014 @ 08:00 | 0 Comment [s]

I am so glad that I joined MUNCS. I actually have pulled my name out from the program because I think that I won't be able to make it. But then, I survive! And what's even better, the other participants are all rock! They are so friendly. Even the committees are so friendly and I manage to befriend to most all of them.

Even nowadays when I walk by in campus and meet them, I will try to talk to them because I think it is awesome to keep in touch with them. 

I think I am one of the shortest person in the conference. See in the picture? I am the shortest in the picture of course! But I think its cute! Don't you think so? haha

To my future daughters and sons, don't afraid to take any challenges. Just do it You will regret those challenges that you didn't take. At least, just give it a try, man!

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Hello. I start writing this blog on 2012 when I received my offer letter to Curtin University with the financial aid of Bahagian Penganjuran MARA and wish to continue writing forever.

with love, DD

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Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
Basecode by : Nurynn
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