Model United Nation Curtin Sarawak 2014 Semester 1 - Day 02

Saturday 24 May 2014 @ 08:00 | 0 Comment [s]

Model United Nation Curtin Sarawak is an event organised twice a year which participated by students where the participants will attend a two-day-conference from 8am to 5pm. Looks scary? Nooo but tiring of course.

Conference starts at 9 am, have to be there at 8 am for breakfast, but slept at 4 am. Why? I feel that I need to do more research for the conference. When I prepared myself to the conference, I realised that I have awful eye bag so I wore a thin layer of eye liner on my eyes to cover it.

This is how my conference looks like. It consists of 20 delegates from 20 countries and I am representing Argentina. Don't cry for me Argentino. Ha! 

credit to MUN.CS offical Facebook page

I actually have no idea what to say. I put myself in the list to speak but I say nothing new, just the same thing again and again. Haha. That is so crazy but as a newbie, they told me that I am okay actually.

I have the opportunity to meet with those who are experienced with the conference and listen to them more during tea time than I talk during the conference actually. Maybe I can say that this is just a warm up so next year I can join again. Eh?

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