Model United Nation Curtin Sarawak 2014 Semester 1 - Day 01

Friday 23 May 2014 @ 08:00 | 0 Comment [s]

This is my first time joining Model United Nation. What I understand, Model United Nation (MUN) is a practice which shows how the real united nation conference looks like. If in debate, it shows how a parliament looks like, so MUN shows how United Nation conference looks like.

To learn more about MUN, I actually search for videos in Youtube. But I only understand more when I attend the workshop which was organised one day before the conference start.

credit to MUN.CS official Facebook page

See how focus I was in the workshop? Because I only understand the real view of the conference in the workshop. Thanks to Venkatesh for delivering a good speech during the workshop.

Model United Nation is participated by students, usually university students. The benefit of joining MUN is to develop good communication skill and confidence. MUN will also enhance the participants to get to know the global current issue. For example, my conference was talking about "Extraordinary Rendition - CIA". What is that?????? That was my first expression when I receive the topic.

If you are a university student, love to talk a lot, love to seek more general knowledge, you are encouraged to join this! Try to search one in your area. There are a lot of MUN happens in Kuala Lumpur, according to one of my friend.

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with love, DD

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