Locked up

Wednesday 5 March 2014 @ 08:00 | 4 Comment [s]

I faced a lot of hard times here in Miri. As I reached home, I couldn't unlock the gate padlock. I tried so many times. I decided to climb the gate and bring my luggages in.

I took a deep breath before trying to unlock the door. Thanks to Allah, no problem with the door, only the gate. I settled down and contacted all my housemates, as they were still in Peninsular of Malaysia to ask about the gate.

"Did anyone change the padlock? Anyone? Please inform me as soon as possible!"

Three hours later I knew what happened. Some of our friends who stayed in our house last month has changed the padlock and FORGOT to inform us about it. I am so angry actually. It causes problem to me.

How will I enter and leave house? I used the backdoor to enter and leave the house and still waiting for my friends to post the key. I learnt to do lockpicking but failed. I can unlock some padlocks without keys but I can't do the same to the gate padlock.

It turned my mood down.  But today I learn to smile today and cry tomorrow (repeat the same thing everyday). Only after several days I managed to get someone to unlock the padlock for me. 


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Hello. I start writing this blog on 2012 when I received my offer letter to Curtin University with the financial aid of Bahagian Penganjuran MARA and wish to continue writing forever.

with love, DD

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