Become A Leader Again

Friday 11 October 2013 @ 06:00 | 2 Comment [s]

Assalamualaikum :)

I have a stressful week now. Last Monday I have submitted an assignment. Last Wednesday, I had to present our second progress report. To be true, we didn't make any meeting to finish our task. Until the night before presentation, I made the task all by myself but I didn't manage to finish everything. One of my friend also try to attempt the question. Our leader was having some problem so without asking from other team members, I made myself as the leader. I had been a leader for Management subject since Tuesday, and on Wednesday I added one more responsibility to myself. I did't have time to think and meet with them anymore. It was no more about team this time, it was about my own personal individual mark.

When I went to the presentation day last Wednesday, only one group member was there with me. The leader has some serious problem and another group member is missing. I don't know where he was. Our presentation was bad. The lecturer gave us a chance to come back the next day to show our work 100% finished. I was so happy that he gave us the chance. I know I deserve second chance and I will definitely use the chance wisely. That night I worked hard. I showed to all group members in Facebook all documents from Google Doc and told then that they were allowed to edit the document with me. But I personally didn't hope anything from them. It was last minute work so I did them myself.

I had planned that for the next progress report, I will lead the group wisely but for this time, I had to do anything possible as soon as possible. I believe that it is our fault as a team. It is not the leader who is guilty. We as a team should always support and help each other from the beginning of time. We should change our attitude :)

Dzureen Darwis


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Hello. I start writing this blog on 2012 when I received my offer letter to Curtin University with the financial aid of Bahagian Penganjuran MARA and wish to continue writing forever.

with love, DD

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Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
Basecode by : Nurynn
Full Edited : Dzureen Darwis