August 2013: END

Saturday 31 August 2013 @ 22:00 | 1 Comment [s]

Assalamualaikum :)

Finally we reach the end of Augus 2013. It was a very fast journey. I still remember those days when I was helping my grandmother in her food stall earlier this year, Followed by the day I went back to Miri on March to continue study. Now, I realised that I have finished my foundation studies and already in degree life.

To Malaysia, I would like to wish happy independence day. It has been 56 years. May Malaysia always be independent forever. The youth should appreciate this and understand what the meaning of Merdeka in their own way.

Let's see what happens on August 2013. Earlier this month, I have started my degree majoring accounting and finance. One week after having my first class, I went back home for raya celebration. On the fifth day of raya, I went back to Miri and continued my classes as usual. The last week of August, I was busy doing some assignments until I didn't realise that I have reach the end of August. :)

I have been in my first year first semester for around one month I believe that I can survive this semester. I do have problems and I think about it everyday but it doesn't mean I can't enjoy my degree life. Now, I am having free week and still planning what I should do for this entire week. Suggestion?


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Hello. I start writing this blog on 2012 when I received my offer letter to Curtin University with the financial aid of Bahagian Penganjuran MARA and wish to continue writing forever.

with love, DD

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Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
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