Working Part Time in Sugarbun

Wednesday 11 June 2014 @ 08:00 | 0 Comment [s]

In conjunction with Gawai celebration, many workers in Sugarbun were having their leaves to go back to their home town to celebrate Gawai earlier this month. Hence, the owner of the fast food restaurant located in Imperial Mall searched for some part timer to replace the work.

I am one of the part timer. My first days were tiring. Extremely tiring. I was not used to stand for a long period. But then the rest of the other days were just fine. I can handle it. Best moment of the working periods are when I have the chance to meet new friends who are so fun!

I am looking forward to work there again. Being one of Curtin student doesn't mean that I am one of the daughter of rich man. Why not I make some money on my own here. I still have two little sisters in primary and secondary school.

Anyway, examination is just around the corner so I have to get back on my studying area, sit properly and read some books for my final. 

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Hello. I start writing this blog on 2012 when I received my offer letter to Curtin University with the financial aid of Bahagian Penganjuran MARA and wish to continue writing forever.

with love, DD

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