CYA Team Building Day 02

Tuesday 11 March 2014 @ 08:00 | 0 Comment [s]

Another picture from the Official Page

We start the second day with some work out actually but I don't feel like posting many picture for this entry. The above picture is actually the group photo of all the participants for the team building. Only less than 20 of us.

For the second day, we were trained to become Curtin Ambassador since we have the responsibility to promote Curtin to future students and their parents. We learnt a lot about Curtin University from the session.

Since we had a very tiring day the day before, so most of us have started to show some sign of tired, sick and sleepy but still struggle for the sessions. It was only a two days session so did all out for all session before ending the program.

We went back home at 5pm and as I reached home, again I slept very early and soundly. My roommate said that I didn't move at all while sleeping that night. I have muscle cramps for several days but it was getting better after two to three days later.

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Hello. I start writing this blog on 2012 when I received my offer letter to Curtin University with the financial aid of Bahagian Penganjuran MARA and wish to continue writing forever.

with love, DD

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Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
Basecode by : Nurynn
Full Edited : Dzureen Darwis